Rob Hays

Seasoned professional
  • Manheim, PA
  • March 6, 2023

As a follower of Christ, I see missions as a key role of the Church. I have read what Global Disciples is doing in spreading the Gospel, equipping local churches and church leaders and seeking to impact the hardest to reach areas with the Gospel of Christ. This excites me and I very much wish to be a part of this team. 

I believe that my roles as a teacher, coach and other responsibilities give me the experience needed for this position at Global Disciples. Leading and organizing both educational trips and mission short-term trips and working with the international student ministry Bridges, has equipped me to be the Communications Production Assistant at Global Disciples. My Strength Finders results point to areas that God has graciously granted me. Some of these are in the categories of a self-starter, organizational skills and being personable. 

I grew up with parents who are Christians and introduced me to Christ and the Gospel at an early age. I remember praying the Sinner’s Prayer as a child and numerous times of drawing closer to Him especially in high school and continuing to this day. Through several periods of heartache and pain, Christ pulled me closer and in a deeper understanding of Him, His grace and the Gospel. 

After moving to Pennsylvania, my wife and I started attending Ephrata Reformed Presbyterian Church in January 2020 and became members that summer. We are currently working with our current pastors and leadership to get involved in small groups and ESL at Wheatland Presbyterian .  I look forward to talking to you more about my fit into the roles and the ministry of Global Disciples in the near future. 

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