Is a Global Job Right for You?


Matthew, a global recruiter, with numerous years of experience helping people find jobs around the world, sat down for a conversation about all things global work. If you’ve ever wondered what it looks like to navigate the international job market  – this Q&A is for you!

Q: What is your experience with international work?

A: “I work for a recruiting company that places workers internationally. We send workers all over the world; however, we specifically focus on the Arabian Peninsula and Southeast Asia.”

Q: What opportunities are available in the global market?

A: “The opportunities are endless; countries are desperate for workers. The world has become so globalized, and English is a much more common language in work environments all over the world. It has never been easier for Americans to work internationally. Additionally, remote work has seen a huge spike since the pandemic. People can work internationally even in a remote (work) environment.”

Q: What industries are in high demand right now and in what parts of the world?

A: “Healthcare is always in high demand. Information technology, accountants, human resources, general managers, executive coaching, health and safety managers– all are careers that we place frequently around the world, specifically, in the Arabian Peninsula and Southeast Asia.”

Q: Is international work for everyone?

A: “It can be. Some personalities are better suited for international work, however international work does not need to be permanent work. The way jobs work now, you can spend a year or two at a job and leave if you want. This is beneficial because you can see if you like international work. It can also build your resume, give you experience, and get paid for it. Even if you work internationally and decide it’s not for you, it won’t set your career back to try it.”

Q: How can college students prepare for international work? What practical steps can college students take – right now–  to prepare for the global job market?

A: “Students can strategically live in areas where there are a lot of other cultures around. For example, living in cities you can become accustomed to many different cultures. This can make it easier to travel to other cultures and can reduce culture shock.

Research is important because each country has different requirements to be accepted. Being knowledgeable on visas, and requirements in the medical licensing processes is beneficial.

An internship or Locum Placement is a short-term job assignment for 2 weeks to 3 months. This is another very effective way to accustom yourself if you are interested in working internationally and to see if you like it. It’s much easier to do a locum rather than working full time internationally, and you don’t need specific licensing.”

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