Discovering God’s Kingdom Purpose in Recruiting

discovering gods kingdom purpose

I am a recruiter. That means I have the privilege of walking with people as they connect to the world of work. 

One interesting observation I’ve seen time and time again is that no matter who you are  – from fresh-faced university graduate to seasoned executive – everyone wants their work to matter. 

There is a deep, intrinsic human need to be a part of something greater than oneself.

I see it every day. People longing to find meaning and purpose in their work, searching for a place to belong. People I work with think they are looking for a job, when in fact they are seeking to understand who God has made them to be and what He is calling them to do. 

Every day I am preaching Ephesians 2:10 to change-makers hungry to make an impact for good. While the language I use might be different, the core of what I’m saying speaks straight into their soul because it’s the Word of God, illuminating the light He has placed deep inside of each one of them. 

This is my mission field.

It’s in this place – God has been preparing me, shaping me for what He has made me to do: Ushering in His rule and reign, calling out the God-given potential of every single human being, whether they know Him yet or not.

It’s funny, however,  that for as long as I remember, I have been trying to run away from being a recruiter! Having worked for large global firms, I’ve experienced the good and the bad of corporate life. I’ve lived through what it looks like to be seen only for what you have done, not what you are capable of or where you are headed.

For years God has been at work in me: teaching, stretching, and testing me as He works through me. Still, I’ve tried to do things in my own strength, on my own terms, and depending on my own wits. Is it any wonder why I felt so depleted and drained? 

I was separating what I deemed as “scared” and “secular” when in fact everything is His.

When I eventually stopped running (a story for another day) and learned to seek God’s will for my life, the most amazing thing started to happen: a deep peace rested over me. It was a new level of anointing, grace, and favour as He continues to transform me, so I can be part of transforming His world.

“Everywhere we go people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God which is recognized by those on the way of salvation – an aroma redolent with life.”

– 2 Corinthians 2: 15-16, The Message

These days, I’m doing more recruitment than ever before and I’m loving it! What excites me the most is working with changemakers who are so uniquely gifted and who have, through a lifetime of experiences, been shaped for exactly what God is leading them into. 

My hope is that the aroma of Jesus is seeping through each and every conversation. That everywhere I go, every person I talk to will experience His life, love, and light.  

Where has God placed you? How are you reflecting the hope of Jesus in your workplace? Ask God to show you how you can be part of His Kingdom story right where you are, exactly as you are.

Have questions about what it looks like to fully participate in God’s kingdom story in and through your everyday life and work? Check out our Scatter Foundations Video Series or signup for our Scatter Email