Sabbath & “Stretchy-Leggers”

In the fall of 2020, my husband and I packed our life into a couple of suitcases and moved from America to England for his year-long graduate program. Moving to a new country in the first year of the Covid pandemic wasn’t the best timing, as we soon found ourselves in a lengthy lock-down with…

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Growing in Christ: A Look at the Spiritual Disciplines

“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him” (Colossians 2:6, ESV). All believers in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior should seek to grown not only in their knowledge of Christ and His Word but also in living out their Christian life in the reality of living. This mandate from Paul…

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A Journey Home: Cultivating a Theology of Place

Written by: Dustin Moody at Denver Institute for Faith & Work Something seemed…off. It wasn’t so much that I was dissatisfied where I was; I had a home that I was proud of, a job that was sufficiently enjoyable and professionally challenging, and family and friends that helped to create a community that I loved. But in 2014, I…

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The ABCD’s of Significance

At age 16, Richard Branson was struggling with school and having a difficult time seeing why all the work was worth the effort. So he took matters into his own hands; he dropped out. 

No one could have predicted what would come next. That just a few years later, Branson would go on to start Virgin Records, which would become a giant within the music industry. That he would eventually one day be knighted for his contribution to entrepreneurship. That later in the 21st century he would be in the mix with the commercial space tourism race through Virgin Galactic.

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The Power of Kingdom Sparks

At Scatter, we’re equipping you with the tools and resources you need to thrive in the ways God has uniquely designed you to contribute. We want to see you leverage your personality and passion, your talents and training to bring real and lasting impact to the world around you. By 12 years old, movie director…

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5 Key Skills That Help You Stand Out

In this piece, we want to spend some time looking at how to stand out, because there seems to be this underlying tension that we want to live worthwhile lives, but we think that requires the sacrifice of personal ambition or professional success. After all, doesn’t the bible say to aim to live a “hidden,” or a humble life?

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